Make Up Tricks to look pretty and Young

Diposkan oleh Kharis on Sunday, November 15, 2009

Age is a natural process that must be faced by every human being. No one can avoid the aging process that would occur over time. Including for women. With increasing age, decreasing the body's ability and also impacted on the face. Wrinkles appear on the face or skin is not elastic anymore. But this does not mean you can not look pretty. make-up or makeup is one solution. How?

Because the trick the right makeup, you can disguise the signs of aging that is so you can cover this deficiency. But before you apply makeup, make sure that the cosmetics you use are still fit for use or has not expired.

What should be done when doing make-up so you can look younger? Here are some steps that you can apply at your own makeup.

Toner and Moisturizers
Before starting makeup, start with a clean face to the neck by using cleaner followed by using a toner and moisturizer. It is intended that the results of your makeup maximum.

Fondation Powder
Use foundation (foundation) to the colors with a perfect fit on your face. Choose a foundation color that one level higher than your skin color.

Use concealer to help disguise the spots on the face or acne scars. Concealer can also be used to disguise the eye bags.

Brush and Sponge
When using talcum powder, first used subsequent to use a sponge brush to help smooth this.

Colors can be selected among other green, peach, purple, gold.

To my eyes, that face does not look old, should not use eyeliner. Or if you want to use it you should not use too thick and use a pencil eyeliner.

Blush on
Colors of blush on the best natural color like pink or peach color.

Lipstick and Lipgloss
Select the same color lipstick or a higher level of lip color. Avoid lip color too much contrast. Can also add gloss to the lips look fresh.

Brow pencil
Trim your eyebrows by plucking eyebrow hair is disheveled and seemingly so neatly combed. Then to reinforce the form of an eyebrow, select the pencil eyebrows are dark brown than black on the other hand, because the black color will make the face look older.

It's a lot of beauty products that can make skin young and refine and make more beautiful. The products were also inserted into the body or used directly on your skin. But with the proper use of cosmetics and makeup tricks that just as you are your makeup, then you also can appear more beautiful and young.

{ 10 komentar... read them below or add one }

kelirirenk said...

Artikel bagus... karena setiap manusia akan mengalami masalah penuaan apalagi wanita...
Kalo cowok apa bisa ngikutin artikel di atas...?

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti said...

keren... :D

arkasala said...

saya akan suruh istri saya baca ini.
Tks :)

harto said...

Semua penyakit di dunia ini pasti ada obatnya kecuali penyakit "TUA".

Trims infonya nih sangat bermanfaat, kalo ada Translate nya lebih enak lagi nih, bisa cepet tanggap.... makluuumm....

Semoga suksess n Tetap Semangat

Kang Artha said...

saya lebih baik memilih awet muda daripada panjang umur..^_^

gaDIS said...

@ harto
OK, dipertimbangkan, nanti saya coba cari2 dulu google translate yg kira2 bagus dan sesuai

xitalho said...

Mampir ... what a nice tips...!

Ntar bojoku tak suruh baca-baca deh...

makasih udah mampir diblog saya dan met kenal.

DTR blog said...

too bad...
i am a man...

GoMe Computer said...

Pretty Woman

mobil keluarga ideal terbaik indonesia said...

makasih infonya..
lam kenal,